Graham Stephan is 34 years old and is worth roughly 23 million dollars but has made his money by being frugal. Stephan grew up in California and always has been in the business and social media space. He started by selling houses after high school. This allowed him to eventually save up enough money to own his own investment properties and start to grow his net worth. He would post on YouTube and instagram about how he was building his net worth and would give financial commentary and advice, as well as information on the real estate industry. He would always discuss how it was best to live a simple and frugal lifestyle and grow your money while you are young.
One of the trademarks of his personal brand that he developed was his iced coffee. He would talk about how spending $5-10 on an iced coffee is ridiculous and would show people all the time how he makes his coffee at home for less than a dollar. This habit allowed him to build a personal brand and give his podcast a name.
The Iced Coffee hour is a podcast that Graham started in 2020. He has on different entrepreneurs, influencers, and investors. So much of his podcast goes over how his guests made their money, and how they spend it. He is able to get advice for his audience and give them so much information on how to be financially secure. The podcast posts weekly and has exploded in popularity over the past few years. Stephan also has multiple sponsors for his episodes, which allows him to bring in lots of revenue for the show.