While most people think that entrepreneurship is just another word for inventing ideas, various individuals always seem to push the limits and prove that to be an incorrect statement. Jon Wheatley, for example, found a way to innovate the social standpoint from various views.. Jon is the inventor of DailyBooth. DailyBooth is a photo blogging website designated for each user to take a photo of themselves every day with a caption and share their life with others. DailyBooth was created in February 2009 and what is so unique about this platform is that Jon looked at social media and photography from a different angle. Snapchat, Instagram, VSCO, and various other social media platforms weren’t invented yet, so Jon found another way of sharing photos online and showing others what is happening in your life. Facebook was created in 2004, but at that time, not many people thought of using photography as a way of expressing yourself, but Jon Wheatley really did an impeccable job of creating a platform that could. Not only does Jon Wheatley have the common traits of being creative, strong, and passionate, but Jon ultimately has the trait of problem-solving. He saw the need for people wanting to interact online, but instead of just communicating via email or Facebook, he ultimately found a way for users to express themselves through the use of photography. Not only was profit the driving force for Jon Wheatley, but the sense of bringing people together and ultimately helping users connect with people, even strangers, was ultimately what drove Jon to pursue this idea and ultimately make it a program. Lastly, the most unique thing about Jon Wheatley is that he looked at Facebook and various companies at the time and spotted a problem. The problem was that these companies had great communication based platforms, but there was something missing. That is where Jon came in and put photography into the mix. Through the use of putting photography into a communication platform, Jon really inspired the creators of Instagram and Snapchat to pursue this even further.