Collaboration is a crucial part to success in a business. When teaming up with a group of people there is nothing more important than the space you utilize in the process. IdeaPaint solves this space problem. IdeaPaint not just improves the way people work but the way they work together; how people think, explore, and turn ideas into action. IdeaPaint is a limitless erasable canvas that can unlock your biggest ideas.
Founded in 2002 by Morgan Newman, Jeff Avallon, and John Goscha (all 25 years old) while attending Babson College, IdeaPaint was first born as a solution to the students’ problem of a space shortage when taking notes for project ideas. They would cover an entire wall with sheets of paper to brainstorm ideas only to tear them down to make more space for fresh ideas. It was during these study sessions that the idea for IdeaPaint was created.
Goscha received funding from Babson College to begin trial attempts of creating the product. After only a year the lab he was working at concluded that the product was impossible to make. He began his work again in 2005 with the encouragement of friends, and in 2008 he succeeded and IdeaPaint first launched at NeoCon Trade Show in Chicago.
The product comes in two different formulas: “PRO” and “CREATE”. Both are roller applied directly to any smooth surface to create a new dry-erase surface.
The company also promotes their philosophy of “bigger space leads to bigger ideas” by committedly giving away over 1 million square feet of their product to schools all across the United States.
They are a company consisting of 18 employees but with a world encompassing reach all based upon the idea “How can you think big when you write small?”