Midnight hits and instantly my belly rumbles. Since, here in Grove City, practically every food place closes earlier than most, even fast food chains like McDonalds are closed. So therefore, my hunger is only satisfied by Gods gift to the world…Ramen noodles. However, being limited to only a microwave the process takes awhile of boiling water and stopping to mix around the noodles to cook evenly. Christopher Johnson, inventor of the Rapid Ramen Cooker, created the perfect bowl to evenly cook ramen noodles every time and much faster than usual.
Johnson and his invention appeared on Shark Tank. he was successful in partnering with billionaire Mark Cuban. His deal with Cuban was $150k for 15% of equity. Johnson’s bowl was successfully able to tap into an industry that has over 95 billion sales annually at an inexpensive cost of roughly $5. Because of his huge deal and inexpensiveness, Johnson’s has been able to thrive with $5 million+ in sales.
Definitely know that feeling, and I actually looked on Google Trends and ramen has been increasing for years now. Perhaps shaving even just 30 seconds off of the time for cooking ramen will be useful enough for people to buy the product. I sure know I eat a lot of it.
Found it to be extremely interesting that this idea facilitates the preparation process of Ramen noodles. Sometimes great entrepreneurial ideas stem from other ones! Good post!