22 year old Anton Krecic founded Seven Weeks Coffee. This is a coffee shop that is centered around its mission of supporting Pro Life efforts. As the name symbolizes the size of a baby at seven weeks old, which is very similar to the size of a coffee bean. At 7 weeks old, this is the time when the heartbeat of a baby becomes clearly detectable. This coffee shop was founded in 2021 and works in different ways to bring a greater focus on people rather than profit. Anton has dedicated 10% of each order to a pro-life pregnancy center. Furthermore, he also places emphasis on the importance of fueling the body with healthy ingredients. With this, he only uses coffee beans that are locally sources from farmers who are trusted by him and the company, and are further lab tested to ensure their quality and safety for the consumer. This Christian Conservative influence on something totally unrelated, coffee, is truly inspiring, especially for young Christians who are looking to take a stance and bring about a unique change in the world. With the clever name, focus on people over profit, and the wonderful way in which the shop supports pro-life and naturally sources their coffee ingredients, this mission stands to be truly admirable.
Wow, what a cool story behind the idea of this business. This is so unique and is making a difference in the lives of many people. It’s so cool how Anton Krecic is dedicating 10% of each order to pro-life efforts. What an awesome purpose and mission Seven weeks coffee beings to the table. Trying to improve the world one coffee cup at a time.
Very cool concept and good to see pro life movements taking off. Life needs to be protected and this model will fund both Anton and the efforts too.