It is funny talking about Facebook because I can’t remember a time without it. Facebook was originally created so someone could rate faces of anonymous individuals. It has become though the platform on which it seems all other social media is either based or modeled after. I know that almost everything you connect to via internet now has an option for you to connect that to Facebook or Sign-up/Login using Facebook. People will even look at social media now before hiring someone. Besides being a place to share what is on your mind people will use it before their dates or just after meeting someone, or more so to look up to see how old friends are doing, or send a message to someone you have been meaning to talk to like a relative or friend. This masterfully crafted product was created by the household name Mark Zuckerberg. At the age of 32 he now has a NET worth of nearly 55 billion dollars. Facebook although seems to have been taken over by moms, has been coming back with the introduction of Instagram. Instagram is masterfully crafted to once again revolutionize social media, this time it is a lot harder to rant about politics and silly viewpoints. Instagram users share a picture followed by a short caption. It has only been recently that advertising/sponsored posts have been seen on Instagram. Mark has been in the spotlight a lot over the past few years with his recent successes and I have no doubt that though we haven’t seen him recently he will be back, and maybe this time with something even better.
I am very interested in the contrast of different types of social media and their success and the types of people they attract. I have definitely seen a shift in the stereotypical user of Facebook from young college students to adults. But I like that Facebook has worked extremely hard to stay relevant with the younger generation with the creation of Instagram. I wonder what is says about our generation that we only want a simple picture and a short caption and don’t want to be overloaded with information on our social media outlets
It really is amazing how important Facebook has become. It is so true how mentioned that it is so big, people will look you up on it for work now as well. With that being said, Facebook has so many opportunities, but you have to be careful on it as well. Because of Facebook, I don’t think social media will ever go away.