“HeyJosh.com only the beginning”
HeyJosh.com is the name of the website Josh Shipp started in 2006 to provide advice and motivational speaking for teens. Josh started his business from Grand Rapids, Michigan and quickly his website picked up and gained a following. Josh was an orphan and through this experience he gained lots of knowledge and was able to use this to experience to provide a message to others. Josh was 28 when he started his business and within the first year he became very successful.
Josh has become so popular MTV has asked him to start a TV show, he has been on many many talk shows like Good Morning America, and he has talked at many colleges and univesities. Josh was also asked to start a column in COSMOgirl and has wrote two books called “Teens Guide to World Domination” and “Jump Ship: Turn your passion into a Profession”.
Josh has made such an impact on so many teens lives! It’s amazing to see how he took the pain in his life and used that to try to help others ease the pain in theirs. Josh has done a great job in seeing a problem in society and making it solution by offering practical advice that many people need and want.
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I think this is a really great idea because he obviously realized the great need that was present. As an orphan, Josh probably knew what it was like to have no one to turn to for advice. This is a problem not just with orphans, but with teenagers who don’t feel like they can talk to their parents. It’s cool to see that someone is using a negative experience as fuel for a brilliant business idea.
This is incredible that he is not being brought down by his pain but instead using it to benefit others. He saw a way to inspire others and turn it into a business. And now that he is being recognized by big names such as MTV he can reach even more people and grow his business! Great example for teenagers and adults.
This is a great example of using life experiences to benefit others, and help others through similar experiences as well. Like you said, he was really able to use his pain and make a difference in many people’s lives with his truths. I am inspired by this and definitely find stories such as these motivational in a way that each of us has a special purpose and we need to find a way in which we can fulfill that request and do so by benefiting others as well. Josh has shown us this through his motivational speaking to young people who need to hear it.
I looked a lot at this website, and I was intrigued by his business idea — the fact that he is simply selling his experience and knowledge. Also, I did not expect that the product would be marketed to parents of teens instead of teens themselves. I think that’s pretty unique and could draw more customers, though I found myself thinking that the strategy could alienate some more rebellious teens who don’t want to hear that he is purposefully trying to join with parents in influencing them towards certain ways of behavior.