My uncle is someone I would consider a millennial entrepreneur. He has been finding different ways to make money non-traditionally since he was in high school. He would go around New York and resell snacks he got in bulk from big lots. In college he got into disc joking and started doing it for parties and ended using that to pay for college. He now finds different way to solve problems using the internet to his advantage. He does photo shoots, professional video, sells clothing, works with real estate and buys and sells different products.
Although my uncle would be considered rich or famous, he is pretty successful. At a young age Paul took advantage of using things around him to make money. He learned to become an innovator. As time goes on more people find problems and create ways to solve them. Anyone can do it, we all face problems and we can all imagine ways to fix those problems. We may look at famous people and see them as super humans, the real super humans are looking back at you in the mirror in the morning.