A very successful millennial entrepreneur who has far surpassed all expectations of his peers is Benjamin Kapelushnik, also known as “Benjamin Kickz”. He is an 18 year old who has amassed $1 million reselling sneakers by the age of 16. As a result, he has been noticed by various news outlets which leveraged his fame. Benjamin has also formed relationships with many A-list rappers and artists thanks to a mutual friend who had connections with DJ Khaled. Since then, he gained massive exposure from appearing on DJ Khaled’s Snapchat story on a regular basis. This also boosted Ben’s sneaker sales, which led to him launching his own online store to sell sneakers more effectively. As time went on, he started selling sneakers to his celebrity friends and now he supplies them with any sneakers they want, no matter how rare or expensive they are.
Benjamin Kickz is an unusual success story, especially for being such a young age. When it comes to selling sneakers, Ben realized that reselling a product to a passionate market had lots of potential, and he capitalized on that. He says the hustling mentality coursed through his veins all his life. In elementary school he sold pencils, candy, erasers, you name it. That money-making mindset evolved with perseverance and commitment for years to come. The future is looking bright for this young entrepreneur, and he continues to inspire others who want to follow in his footsteps and achieve greatness. I see Benjamin’s story as a textbook example of why age is irrelevant in business, even if society says you can’t do something because it does not follow the status quo. More young entrepreneurs need to hear this story so they can realize it doesn’t take a grown up to achieve big things.
This reminds me of a story I heard the other day about a kid who turned his locker into a functional vending machine. When young minds are allowed to flourish, young people can have some of the craziest, yet successful ideas. It also shows how good of social skills this young man must have to make such a success out of a simple business.
That’s an amazing story. I admire entrepreneurs who start at such a young age. Benjamin’s story also shows how influential sponsorship can be for a business. It’s important to make good connections that can help you to develop your business.
Benjamin’s story is a great inspiration; not just because he’s so succesful at what he does, but because he was only 16 years old when he started selling these sneakers. This goes to show that there’s really no age limit to creativity and entrepreneurship, and that it’s possible to be quite successful at something you love.