Ever heard of the online store called Etsy? If you have I am sure you love handmade, meaningful products. But have you ever wondered where Etsy began? The story starts with Rob Kalin. Rob Kalin is known as a “self made entrepreneur” and his story began with his love of making things. He once said when describing Etsy, ” I see the company itself as a handmade project” and he hopes it is continued in that way. He took his passion that he had in life, and he worked his way up. This is unique in the sense that, he had nothing, but he worked and grew, and learned and became more of an entrepreneur and knew more on how to start a company, he took all of that and started a company. His driving force was a passion and love for handmade and crafted things. This will not only create a product or business that will run well due to the care and effort that is put in, but also creates a deep and personal connection to it as well because he pursued his dream. He demonstrated patience and humility to learn from his experience and took the steps he needed to be truly innovative, by creating a website that many consumers flock toward due to the sustainably and beautiful craftiness to each product. This inspires me to not pay more attention to what the end goal is but rather to learn throughout my journey as an entrepreneur because that is where you will truly learn and grow.