My good friend and teammate Alex Anderson is the CEO of Radiate Truth, a Christian apparel organization that specializes in hats. She is an amazing entrepreneur in this realm, seeing as she uses her environment as an advantage to her company. Alex attends Grove City, a Christian college, where many of the students openly profess their faith and walk with the Lord. When Alex started this business up, she knew she had her first customer pool right in her backyard. Alex is also very involved at school as a member of the women’s volleyball team and active in her sorority, so she had supportive friends, teammates, and sisters by her side. Many of these people bought her hats in the beginning stages of her operation, and some volunteered to help by modeling her hats for the Radiate Truth Instagram that she runs to promote her business. Many entrepreneurs have no support when they first start up, and they have to convince people to care about their product, but this is where Alex differentiates herself. She is so loved by her community that those around her want to see her succeed and are there to support her from start to finish.
From knowing Alex Anderson, I can also reaffirm that this company is nothing short of amazing. From going to Grove City College, it is so inspiring to see students walking with hats and shirts on that were made by her reflecting out one true God. Overall, I love this business idea and the way she has gone about bringing people to the truth.
I found it really cool (when I first started reading) that the person you were about to blog about is someone you personally know, that is so cool. It’s very encouraging to be taking this class and hear all of the things that you can do to be an effective entrepreneur and to also have a friend that is a perfect representation of these principles and ideas that we’re learning in class. These principles and ideas are also made better when you’re also spreading the gospel and reflecting the values of God in heaven.
I think there is something to learn from her as an aspiring entrepreneur. She was so involved in her community, that her community gave back when she was first establishing her start-up. That’s why it’s best to reach out when you have an idea. Don’t keep it to yourself!