Braden Parker, a young entrepreneur, is a star in his field, proving innovation and business skills in his own company. He and a friend of his were analyzing the current market of footwear and realized a huge issue. Every shoe that is popular, attractive, and exciting falls apart within a short period of time (if worn consistently). This annoyed him because many of his favorite shoes offered great comfort and style, but lacked in durability. He decided to change this issue. He created a shoe that is not only attractive but also prioritizes comfort and durability over anything else. He made this happen through 3D technology that works through an app, allowing you to scan your foot for the ideal shoe size, shape, and form. Because of this perfect fit and the durability of this shoe, they believe that they have created the perfect solution to footwear issues.
Braden is a great example of a young entrepreneur because of the way in which he found an issue and used it to create a business. He saw what the footwear industry was overlooking, and he solved it, setting him apart from the rest of his competitors in the industry. He also was innovative in his use of technology. In today’s world, who doesn’t want to try an app that scans their foot and designs the perfect shoe, custom to their own anatomy? There is a huge market for technological customization and personalization right now, so this was a great use of resources and innovation.
To read more about Braden’s story, please visit: