This company was started by Chandler Sterling. Frustrated with the lack of a good beard oil for self grooming, Sterling set out to start his own company to fix that problem. Using very natural resources he came up with his product and from there started the California Beard Company. Over time his company has grown into a well recognized and respected company, that keep putting out new products all the time. And one big thing that drives Sterling is his love for green. For every product that his company sells, his company plants one tree. So as he takes away, he gives back. This is one of the big things that his company pushes for, keep our planet, and our beards, clean.
More information on Sterling:
I love how he thought of something that he dwelt with every day, but also saw the need for other people with beards as well. It is an amazing niche.
It’s cool how he fixed a problem he was having in his own life by creating his product. I like how he took the natural route. A lot of people are starting to look towards natural products so its a really good idea.
Awesome of example of someone solving a personal problem that affects others as well. Beard oil is also a very interesting product with a very interesting name. Great blog post!