Calloway Cook is a young entrepreneur that saw a gap in the dietary supplements market. As a consumer of dietary supplements, he had frustrations on the lack of transparency of the ingredients used in what he consumed. He noticed this concern in other people as well and it led him to create his own company, Illuminate Labs. Calloway Cook inspires me because he found a solution for something that he is genuinely passionate about and as a consumer of his product, this would be very assuring to know that he puts his best foot forward to create the best solution. Calloway experienced this problem for himself, this shows that since he takes dietary supplements, he will make sure the product that he formulates will be of high quality. Calloway demonstrates entrepreneurial traits in the way that he works. He is constantly taking steps to innovate and then acts on his ideas to continue to make his business better. As an entrepreneur, he is always doing something new everyday, attending to the most dire needs of that day. While reading Calloway’s story I took away a very important principle in the business world, to communicate business professionally until the other party establishes a casual tone. Although this is a simple concept, it is majorly important and it is something that I will keep at the front of my mind for the future. I thought it was unique that Calloway makes it a priority to meditate daily and to take a full day off of work a week. He believes that these are essential as they prepare him daily and weekly to work efficiently and to stay sharp.