Casey Neistat grew up in a small town in Connecticut. He lived a very modest life, but at age 16, he dropped out of high school and ran away from home. Casey ended up having a kid at the age of 17 and needed to make some huge life decisions. He decided to pick up everything and move to New York City. It was in New York City where Casey found his passion for film making. Casey ended up selling his TV series he created with his brother to AMC, and everything kick started from there.
Casey began to post a vlog of his life on a daily basis and grew a huge following. It’s here that his idea for his company Beme came to fruition. Beme is a social media app that allows users to share their life experiences without having to pay attention to what they are filming on their screen. Beme currently has 40 employees and is still making his vlogs on a daily basis. He is a true inspiration to many.