A young entrepreneur by the name of William Zhou has started a website called Chalk.com that acts as a “Microsoft type” platform for K-12 teachers. Zhou said that he got the idea for his product when he went and visited his old high school teachers. He said he never knew how difficult and jam-packed a teacher’s life is until he actually went and saw them in action. Some of the biggest things that Zhou saw teachers struggling with, almost on the daily, included things like: grading, lesson planning, assessment, and attendance. In turn, Zhou’s new application platform attempted to make all of these tasks easier on the teachers, and it also allowed teachers to be able to collaborate with other teachers on things like lesson plans. Today, over 20,000 schools worldwide use Chalk.com to allow their teachers to have an easier time taking care of their daily tasks.
I find Zhou’s website to be a very interesting and useful idea. Having a Dad who is a teacher I have seen how difficult it can be some days to get simple tasks done such as attendance, or finishing up lesson planning for the next day. Furthermore, the way that Zhou came up with the idea for his website was also very interesting. He never realized how much work teacher’s do in a day, and form this he saw that there had to be a better way to help teachers accomplish simpler tasks that were taking up a lot more of their time then they needed to. The things that sparked Zhou’s interest and eventually led to him making this website seemed to be very random, but this just goes to show that ideas for certain businesses or services can spring from many different experiences.
This was an interesting post for me, I was an education major at one point in my college life so I understand how time consuming creating lessons plans are. What a great and innovative productive that helps teachers stay more organized. Zhou created a solution for teachers which in turn positively impacts the students. Great post!