Something that every student stresses about is how they are going to pay for college. With how expensive college is, it is very unusual for a student to pay for his or her schooling without some sort of financial aid. However, filling out scholarships can be time consuming and sometimes unrewarding. Christopher Gray recognized the problem of paying for college when he was trying to do so himself. Growing up in Alabama, his family didn’t have the money for college, so he needed to find a way to pay for it himself. For seven months during his high school career Gray spent twelve hours a week filling out scholarship applications. Eventually, he was able to attend Drexel University and pay for all four years with the scholarship money he earned. After college, Gray went on to volunteer at local schools in an effort help students find scholarship opportunities and pay of their college. After volunteering for two years, Gray started his company, Scholly, with his its co-founders, Bryson Alef and Nick Pirollo. This company was based within an app that used an algorithm to match individual students with scholarship opportunities that they were eligible for. The app has had wild success since its release, saving 600,000 students a total of $20,000,000 in scholarships. While the app is only compatible with private universities currently, Gray says the next upgrade will enable students to get scholarships from public universities as well.
I wish I had known about this a year ago. This sounds like quite the app. Any business that is able to help students pay for college would definitely impact thousands of families.
I like how Gray took an unorganized, not updated system and implemented some innovation. Scholly enables students to receive scholarships without the added stress of having to go through unorganized systems to find scholarships that match them. A great example of a millennial entrepreneur solving a problem in a simple and beneficial way!
This would have been extremely helpful to know of when I was applying for scholarships. The struggle for many students is that they are busy with school, applying for college, and applying for scholarships. They prioritize the college applications, and neglect to put the time they need for the scholarships. More students need to learn of this app.
I like this app a lot because it makes college more accessible to everyone simply by organizing an outdated system. Applying for scholarships can still be stressful, but just finding opportunities for scholarships used to be the hardest part. Not only is finding scholarships easier, the app would most likely find you scholarships that you would’ve never found on your own, which is another benefit of this app.
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