Clothe Your Neighbor As Yourself is a nonprofit clothing line that was started in 2013 by James Barnett with the sole intention of providing for others. The whole idea is to literally clothe your neighbor as yourself. They tackle this by taking all the profits and either buying a uniform for a child to attend school or clothes for a man to obtain a job. This is a very heartfelt nonprofit and it is rooted in Christ.
One of my favorite things about the company is that the owner, James Barnett, prior to starting the company lived homeless intentionally, for two years. He grew up in a church-going family and grew a distaste for how some christians were living their lives. This drove him to sell everything he owned and live homeless. While he was living this life, he saw the great need firsthand that the other homeless people experienced. This then drove him to start his company Clothe Your Neighbor As Yourself.
I currently own this shirt and was able to send a kid to school via my purchase.
I think it’s cool that this guy was willing to sell everything he had to become homeless for two years. He knew what it was like to practically anything he wanted and he chose to give it all up to experience what other people are forced to live like. He saw a need and chose to act upon it in a way that is rooted in Christ and helps those around us that have less than us. There are a lot of nonprofit company out there but I think James Barnett found a way to differentiate himself to customers in a great way.