In today’s digital age, knowledge of computers and coding is becoming increasingly essential. Adam Lipecz recognized this change in society and took advantage of a market that had not yet existed. This led to him co-founding Codie, a toy robot and application used to teach coding to preteens. He describes his invention as “legos for architects”. Kids can use this toy robot as a way to create a programmable dance teacher, an alarm clock, and many more. There are plenty of educational toys on the market, but none quite like this. As important as it is for kids to learn to read, write, and do math, it is becoming just as important for them to understand how to program and code.
Codie works by pairing the toy robot with an application on a phone. Within the application, there is a unique visual programming language, which organizes the code of robotics into blocks. By arranging these blocks together, kids can create real programs, which are then carried out by the toy robot. While playing with Codie, kids get to learn about how computers think and get to know the fundamental programming concepts in a fun and playful way. It is a great way to begin getting kids interested in potential future careers in coding and teaches them a life long skill.
This is a great idea and a very interesting business. It seems that technology like this is definitely the way of the future. Nice article.
This is a super cool product! The fact that he was able to find an untouched market and create a solution for a problem that people didn’t even know they had is the mark of a true entrepreneur. Really great story!