Convoy is a new company that is like Uber for Freight companies. It allows shipping companies to get connected with local truckers to avoid large fees from brokers. It helps both sides to set their own terms and getting a service at a reasonable price.
This is a really nice things for the trucking industry because it will make the ease of contacting local drivers much more easily and efficiently. Since the industry is so large it is important that it work well. Many times people overlook this type of industry because it isn’t the most apparent to everyday life and isn’t the most appealing.
The founder Dan Lewis really has a step up on others trying to get into this industry because he is an ex-Amazon executive. This means he has all of the connections with old Amazon engineers as well as other big businesses that can trust his work. Also, because of his past position he has a lot of trust from investors and they have high hopes that the company will succeed.
The company is up and coming but is growing very quickly and is expected to grow outside the trucking industry as well.
it’s interesting how people who might have left a certain business (like amazon) can use their knowledge from the market to make innovative changes to the market
During my search for young entrepreneurs, I found another company that has a similar idea, saying it’s the “Uber of Trucking”. It’s cool that the concept of Uber is being applied in so many places.
I love seeing the progression of an entrepreneur. Lewis went from working as an Amazon executive to heading his own company… a company that looks to put money back into local communities by creating more work for truck drivers.