Emily Weiss – Founder of Glossier
Emily Weiss is the founder of Glossier, a beauty company that has taken the industry by storm. What started as a beauty blog called Into the Gloss turned into a successful beauty brand that emphasizes natural beauty, skincare, and community engagement. Launched in 2014, Glossier revolutionized the beauty world by focusing on customer feedback and creating products that were simple, effective, and fun. Emily’s success came from her deep understanding of her target audience—millennials and Gen Z consumers who wanted beauty products that aligned with their lifestyle. By using her blog to engage with her followers and build a strong community, she turned Glossier into more than just a brand; it became a movement. With an emphasis on inclusivity and realness, Glossier’s approach to marketing and brand-building has set a new standard for how beauty companies connect with their customers. this is so inspirational for young females to not be afraid to chase there dreams or attack something that’s so populated like makeup. she took something she enjoyed dearly as a child and made it a career, recognizing that these problems had to be answered. she found a solution that worked and went with it. https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=199939d769f2d2808d2d0518e756bda744f9942c540137f28e2b5d971cc73379JmltdHM9MTczMzYxNjAwMA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=4&fclid=310dfa9e-732a-625c-09ab-ee7972fe63bc&psq=emily+weiss&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY25iYy5jb20vMjAxOS8wMy8yMC9ob3ctZW1pbHktd2Vpc3MtdG9vay1nbG9zc2llci1mcm9tLWJlYXV0eS1ibG9nLXRvLTEtYmlsbGlvbi1icmFuZC5odG1sP21zb2NraWQ9MzEwZGZhOWU3MzJhNjI1YzA5YWJlZTc5NzJmZTYzYmM&ntb=1
This is an interesting company. I like how she found an opportunity and acted upon it. Blogs sound incredibly boring but it did her well.
I think that it starting from a beauty blog shows that power of the internet in our age. Great blog, I’m not interested in beauty products but I found this to be interesting.