At the age of 12, Kavita Shukla visited her grandmother in India. After mistakenly drinking some tap water, Kavita’s grandmother gave her some homebrewed spice tea, which helped prevent the effects of the unsanitary water. Kavita was fascinated with this practice and wanted to recreate the benefits. After years of playing around with several ideas, Kavita came up with the idea of infusing the spices into paper. Fenugreen was created—a company that creates spice infused FreshPaper. FreshPaper is paper that keeps food fresh by preventing bacterial and fungal growth, like a natural preservative.
Fenugreen is a social enterprise. With the bold mission of “Fresh for All,” Fenugreen not only seeks to provide the paper to groups like food banks and farmers, but those who need it most. On the Fenugreen website, it explains that there are 1.6 billion people in the world living without refrigeration. Kavita strives to provide fresh, healthy food. But they don’t stop there: “We’re devoted to not only bringing FreshPaper to many, but also to demonstrating through our actions and our reach that it is possible to build a sustainable social enterprise around a simple, powerful idea. ”
Kavita is truly a millennial entrepreneur. At the remarkably young age of twelve, Kavita had an idea and pursued it. Although it took many tries to come up with the final solution, Kavita sought to innovate a product that not only helped her succeed, but made a serious difference in the lives of people across the world.