Whenever someone wants to search for something on the internet, they use something called a search engine. Nearly everything posted onto the internet needs one of these search engines in order to be used. One in particular has seen so much popularity, that its very name has become a verb. That search engine is called Google.
Google is an American technology company that specializes in internet related services. It was founded on September 4, 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. It has since grown to become an almost undisputed behemoth in not only the search engine industry, but also most of the internet in general. Nearly every aspect of the internet reaches back to Google. Although not every venture Google has undertaken has seen success, it still remains to be one of the most successful companies in the world.
I think it is funny how something that now seems so normal, when it was created, it was an insane idea. People didn’t use to be able to search for everything on the web especially pictures. Now its so easy, we can’t remember not having Google
Google has really developed themselves over the years and its impressive how they could become so successful that they essentially create a new word that is used almost everyday by internet users.
I appreciate google most because it is so simple and returns the exact results I need. Unlike google, bing tends to be more complex and fail to return the answer I want 50% of the time. I am really thankful for the creation of google.