Two former Grove City College students were sitting in an Internet Content Marketing class and enjoyed it so much they started a company in pursuit of Inbound marketing.
Gray Mackenzie and Andrew Dymski fell in love with marketing and specifically inbound marketing through content. Out of this love came GuavaBox a consulting company with an inbound marketing focus. GuavaBox has a unique approach with their clients, in which, they have combined lots of best practices for inbound marketing into a streamlined strategy.
The results GuavaBox has found is truly remarkable for a small marketing startup. When they see results they analyze them, which enables them to pivot based on their findings. Gray and Andrew truly are relational people who take their customer relationships seriously which has quite apparently payed off.
Through a bit of research for my own blog posts, I found that there are a large number of internet marketing startups. It seems that the digital age has left some businesses behind, and they are scrambling to catch up. A company like GuavaBox meets these businesses right at their point of need.
Great post James! I know Gray came in to talk to one of our classes and I really enjoyed listening to him speak and give advice on small business start ups. This really seems to be something that he loves and it shows!