Habits 365 is an online clothing brand that has garnered the attention of many modern superstars. People like Lamar Jackson, James Harden, and even rappers like Lil Baby have bought and supported products from this company. Habits 365 got its start in 2017 by two high school brothers, Eli and Spencer Zied.
Eli Zied is now a 17 year old high school student while Spencer Zied is now a 20 year-old college student. The brand’s LinkedIn account describes that the young entrepreneurs “wanted to create a brand that spoke to people on a personal level about how to achieve success.” The vision for this company was to show people that they can achieve their goals in life and eventually make a habit of achievement 365 days a year.
So far, Habits 365 has been a very successful company. By the end of the year, Habits 365 has claimed that they expect their revenue to reach seven-figures. AboutInsider.com explains “the interesting thing that has everyone talking about these young entrepreneurs is their ability to run successful businesses along with their studies.”
Habits 365 had humble beginnings as a company. The Zied brothers created their vision for the brand in 2017 and created an online store using the Shopify platform. Originally, their online store did not get much exposure so they decided to promote their store by using paid Facebook and Instagram ads and printing out fliers and placing them around New York City. Their revenue began pouring in due to the advertisements and Habits 365 started to become the brand that it is today.
Currently Habits 365 has been very successful with marketing as many celebrities endorse their brand. They have had remarkable revenue growth and have recently expanded their collection to women and children to gain more exposure. They are also currently on many social media platforms including Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and YouTube. This remarkable company run by two young entrepreneurs ends the “about us” description in their website by restating their vision, saying “Always remember to Wear Your Habits!”
Really cool story of these two brothers. It is amazing is that their clothing company could get so successful that they can get famous athletes and rappers to wear their brand which isn’t an easy thing to do.
That’s amazing that their brand has gotten so much attention. I can’t imagine someone like James Harden or Lamar Jackson wearing a clothing brand that I made. It’s also very smart that they are using TikTok as a marketing tool, it seems like that will be the wave of the future. Great article.