The only thing cooler than Hart Main’s idea might be his name. Hart is a thirteen year old boy from Ohio who decided to challenge the stereotypical candle scents for women. Hart made a joke towards his sister about not wanting a candle to have his room smell like a girls room, and this jab took him to a business idea. Hart’s new idea is to offer more candle scents, preferably for men. Men would rather smell like the inside of a baseball glove rather than freshly tried towels. Hart came up with candles designed for men, which is called MansCans. Main offers some pretty unique scents, like his Grandpa’s Pipe candle or his Sawdust candle.
One of the coolest things about Hart’s business is that it has a charitable arm. Along with the unique scents in his candles, the candles are made in a unique way. Hart makes his candles in soup cans, which is not normal for candles to be made in. The soup that Hart purchases is then donated to local soup kitchens. Hart has not seen a crazy amount of profit from his innovation just yet, but he is already committed to giving back.
Hart stepped up to the challenge of becoming a young entrepreneur. He never planned that a simple joke would take him this far, but he has adapted to the changes. Hart’s mom shared a story of how an order of one of his candles was poorly packaged and shipping was incorrectly priced, and Hart went directly to the distributor to ensure that this would never happen again. Hart is already showing entrepreneur qualities, and he still is not old enough to drive a car. Candles have always been known to appeal to women, but thirteen year old Hart has challenged this normality and is seeing great success!