In the US and around the world there is a resurgence of entrepreneurship among young people. People born in the 80s and 90s, or Millennials, as we call them, are making a big impact in the world through their entrepreneurial efforts.
The rise of the Internet and advancements in digital technologies have certainly played a significant role in this trend, but there are many other factors as well. Colleges and Universities are offering more in terms of entrepreneurial studies and experiences, and students are demanding it. Our millennial generation loves creativity and innovation. They want to build businesses for profit, to be sure, but they also want to build companies that make a difference in people’s lives and create tremendous social value.
This site is the course blog of ENTR-101, a required course for entrepreneurship majors at Grove City College in Grove City, PA. In the class, we focus on the nature of innovation, and give our students a chance to experiment with their own ideas. One of our core methodologies is to study the journeys of young entrepreneurs as a way of uncovering principles of success and connecting with the inspiration they provide.
In this blog, we are exploring. Thanks for joining us! We invite you to read our posts!