John Zimmer, starting out as a programmer, began the company Lyft, one of the major players that foundationally changed the game of personal transport services. While Lyft wasn’t too different from Uber, Lyft solidified itself among the best ridesharing companies. John Zimmer started Lyft in the June of 2012, only a few years after Uber began in 2009. John Zimmer’s goal for starting Lyft was to help communities and families connect again with superior transportation. Lyft has fairly good branding through the way drivers are Identified, everyone has seen the illuminated purple Lyft logo on the dashboards of passing cars. It was that illuminated sign in a passing car that brought my attention to Lyft for the first time. Its simplicity and eye-catching glow at night (when most people use ridesharing services for “reasons”) was enough to spark curiosity, and like others, I googled it out of curiosity. While Lyft wasn’t the first ridesharing company to arrive to the scene, it was among the first, and John Zimmer’s aim to be environmentally and socially conscious with Lyft’s service is a critical reason for the success it has seen as a direct competitor to the likes of Uber, and it’s entrepreneurs like John that give hope and new perspective on innovations, even if that innovation is simply the reasoning and ethics behind the people that make the brand possible.
This is a very well written post. It was definitely bold of Zimmer to start a ridesharing business within the same market as the business juggernaut of Uber. But it is through this boldness that the best ideas are formed, and the best businesses are created. The story of Lyft goes to show that no matter how successful your competition is, you can always become successful if you have a truly great idea. This came into fruition with Zimmer being able to set himself apart from the competition through his focus on the environment.