Kevin Smiley is a 27 year old Canadian who is the founder, President & CEO of SuraiTea Inc., a tea packaging business which hires recently arrived Syrian refugees. His objective is to, through the sale of premium teas, create high-value jobs for refugees and create a sustainable source of corporate donations from SuraiTea Inc to the not-for-profits active in the refugees resettling effort. SuraiTea recently won the 2016 Ottawa Social Impact Award. At only 27 years old, Kevin is innovating in a totally new way. He has been following the issue of syrian refugees very closely since 2015 and he has learned a lot. He has learned about the strain on economic resources experienced by non-profit organizations. Kevin Smiley always looks at things through the mindset of an engineer. He always tries to see how things work and how he can solve problems. When Kevin heard his entrepreneurship professor talking about a start-up weekend at the uOttawa Telfer School of Management with the theme of refugee resettling. He shifted all of his focus from some of the other ideas he had to how a business could be created to help refugees get settled in Canada, and he started to develop a business canvas. He described the ideation process, as ” a type of creative chaos where everything and anything as a business idea was written down to help refugees.” The model for Kevins business is pretty simple and he describes it in 2 steps: Create high value employment opportunities for refugees who have arrived in Canada; and, to establish a sustainable source of corporate donations to the not-for-profit organizations that are active in the refugee resettling effort in Canada.