Future Motion, Inc.
Kyle Doerksen started his career in entrepreneurship and innovation by competing in the Canadian Science fair, where he won an award for his invention of ground-penetrating radar. After getting his masters in mechanical engineering, Doerksen worked at a company called IDEO Palo alto. There, he managed projects and developed electromagnetic systems for kid’s toys. This was when Doerken started tinkering with the concept of OneWheel. It took 8 years of tinkering for Kyle to produce his prototype for OneWheel in 2013. Once he had succeeded, Kyle quit his job and decided to create his company Future Motion Inc. Kyle had created a riding experience like no other on a product that can be described as a recreational personal transporter. In 2014, just a year later, Kyle had already started distributing his first product, the OneWheel. What Kyle had created was a product that offered an experience like none other. A OneWheel is an electric board that is made up of one wheel with a deck surrounding it. Inside the wheel is an electric motor and a computer programmed to balance the rider and make thousands of calculations to keep the riding experience smooth while traveling at speeds of almost 20Mph. Most riders would compare the riding experience to a snowboard or surfboard, allowing riders to make maneuvers like carving easily.
My Thoughts
I am currently an owner of an OneWheel Pint (a compact and cheaper version of the OneWheel), and I absolutely love it. I have put hundreds of miles on my board, and I am always looking for an excuse to go out and ride it. One of my favorite aspects of the board is its ability to off-road. Unlike other electric skateboards, the OneWheel can travel across almost any terrain or surface, making it super fun to take on walking and bike trails. What Kyle Doerksen has created is a truly astounding product that has found its way into recreational communities. Kyle’s story is truly a story of innovation and entrepreneurship because he was brave enough to take the plunge of quitting his job to pursue his vision for the innovation of OneWheel.