Mark Zuckerberg is one of the most well-known young entrepreneurs. Something exemplary about Mark is that he saw an issue that had not been solved yet, and he took action to fix it. This problem was the lack of internet communication, which he came to realize while he was attending Harvard University. His desire for social interaction and communication drove this solution. Something interesting about the creation of Facebook, is that there was nothing like it before Zuckerberg created it. Some entrepreneurial traits that Zuckerberg demonstrates are confidence and creativity. He was confident enough that this idea could create a profitable business and creative enough to find this solution. Zuckerberg innovated by creating a platform where people could share information, meet new people and socialize, and this has never been done before. I am personally inspired to find a way to solve problems with no solution and some principles that I can apply to this inspiration are having an open mind and being creative.
Awesome blog! Mark Zuckerberg’s story always amazes me! If you haven’t seen the movie on him, I would highly recommend it. His story is so inspiring. A fun fact is the 2 brothers that accused him of stealing their idea we the sons of a Grove City College graduate! Aside the fact, Mark Zuckerberg’s mind and skills are so amazing, and show the power of each of our minds!
Great post! Mark Zuckerberg’s story is arguable one of the best when it come to American Entrepreneurs. What a great idea and insight it must have taken to see into the future of what social media could be. I like your note on confidence and creativity. He is definitely creative in terms of app design and usability. It appears from what I have seen of interviews with Zuckerberg he seems to be kind of socially awkward so it is important to have confidence when speaking. Also to touch on your last point i also find it important to strive to solve the unsolved.