Joel Brown, author of the article “7 Reasons Why Mark Zuckerberg is a Super Successful Billionaire” suggests that the top seven characteristics were that Zuckerberg truly believed in what he was doing, he was prepared to take criticism, he loves to dream big, he is not afraid to take great risks, he learned to be exclusive, he was never put off by competition, and he was clear about his mission and saw it through.
I believe that Zuckerberg’s most influential characteristic is his belief in the product. This is a characteristic that I personally think any entrepreneur needs to be successful in the industry. Entrepreneurship requires dedication and dedication only comes when you truly love what you are doing and believe in the product.
After watching the movie “Social Network” about the development of Facebook, I realized the sacrifice Zuckerberg made for his dream. He gave up nights in college hanging out with friends so that he could go back to his dorm room and work on his company. He even went so far as neglecting relationships because he valued Facebook and wanted it to be successful.
When thinking about the future of a company or a product I think it is important for entrepreneurs to evaluate their personal belief in the product or service they are selling. We can become caught up in the excitement of starting a new business, but it’s important to be realistic and evaluate what you would and would not be willing to give up for the success of your business.
I must agree with the last paragraph in how we must not get caught up in the excitement and then lose focus on the goal we have et out.
One of the most successful men alive. I love his dedication to his company, however, I find his lack of dedication to relationships troubling. I think another aspect to success is those you surround yourself with. That being said he is very impressive. Great summary of his belief in his product and success.
Mark Zuckerberg certainly showed incredible dedication to his company, and because of it, created the most used social media website of our generation. Really good blog post!