Mashable is a news site concerning social media and technology started by Pete Cashmore at the age 19 in Scotland. The whole idea of Mashable came to be when Pete was sick at home with an appendectomy at age 13. It took him several years to recover after some complications. All Pete could do was sit at home in bed on his computer. Pete knew that he had to reach the American market, but the problem was he lived in a different time zone. Pete decided that he would stay up all night and sleep all day so that he could blog on things happening in America. His parents didn’t push him to go to college, so Pete stayed at home writing his blog.
Pete was driven buy his interest in social media and technology. Also the fact that he was sick and was at home for so long he had the opportunity to create his blog. The goal Pete had was to have more people view his blog then viewed it the day before. The day he reached 2 million readers per month was a big day for Pete Cashmore (it only took 18 months). These days over 23 million people view his blog per month.
Pete was innovative at the age of 19 (in 2005) that is the same age that I am now. It is always so inspiring to see people who took the risk and succeed. Mashable is now ranked in the top ten most profitable blogs. Pete in 2011 was a World Economic Forum Young Leader. A classic story of a blogger making it big is what drives people to start blogs or companies. You cant succeed unless you take a chance.
It is always so amazing to see how people adapt to the challenges that face them and develop ways to succeed, even in a trail. I love how Pete was able to find something that he was interested in, good at, and could create a successful business with, in the midst of his medical crisis even with his limitations. This is such great story of perseverance and goal-setting!
I love how ambitious Pete is. He really stuck with his passions and set great goals! The success he has had is incredible. And the fact that he started all of this while very sick is very admirable!
Pete has such a great story! Showing that he did not even go to college and he was still able to be very successful by being an entrepreneur is incredible! I was thinking about starting a blog with my roommate, so this story was very inspiring!