Everyday, someone somewhere has a new idea they want to share. However, very few make it to market, or even make money for you. Getting your idea out there is hard, so hard in fact it is what separates entrepreneurs from dreamers.
It is hard. Ask Gerard Adams, an entrepreneur himself and founder of Elite Daily, how hard it is. He logged many hours into coming up and laying the ground work. He thought this would be the hardest, most time consuming part; however he was wrong, way wrong. His hardest part was taking that idea and publishing it and getting it noticed. It took time, time that he wishes went faster. So after a lot of thought, time, and energy put into one idea, he did what every entrepreneur does: threw it away and started all over. He had another idea, bigger, better, and one that benefits more than just him – Fownders.
Elite Daily founder created a place that is a safe for young entrepreneurs to go and publish their ideas and share what they want to start up and create themselves. Fownders takes your OWN, orginal idea and gets it out into the world for you. It serves as a place to bounce ideas off each other, connect, and expand on new or old ideas. The website has connected many entrepreneurs, some of which combined ideas and made it big in half the time as others, say Gerard Adams. It even offers ways to help many young individuals create new ideas, and start ups that go on to make millions. So if you have a good idea that you are struggling to share, get out there with it, try Fownders.
This is interesting that an entrepreneur took the challenges he faced and used them as inspiration to help other entrepreneurs. The point of this is to be a platform to mix ideas which will result in much more innovation than someone just trying to make their idea work on their own.