Ben Stern is a young individual who appeared on shark tank to close a deal with Mark Cuban in 2016. His product, Nohbo, is a small one time use shampoo drop encased in very thin eco friendly plastic. Ben mentions that he heard “depressing facts” about waste from the bathroom in a science class and knew something had to change. He went home from school to see his mother using a tide pod and the idea hit him! What if he could replicate the tide pod, only for shampoo. Ben did just that. He started with a powdered product, but quickly pivoted to the small ball filled with shampoo. Ben was able to lock in that deal with Mark Cuban for $100,000 in exchange for 25% of Nobho. In an article, Ben states that Cuban has since then invested much more money and also states that business is thriving. This young entrepreneur is someone who is motivated, learns from his mistakes, and wants to make the world a better place.