Pavel Durov is widely known as the Mark Zuckerberg of Russia. This 31 year old is worth over a quarter of a billion dollars thanks to his resilience and genius. He made his initial fortune from a social media website called VKontakte. He was eventually forced to resign from being CEO of this company. However, he did not allow this to slow him down. After being accused of running over a police officer and being sought after by the Russian government over privacy issues of his website, Durov moved to New York and started another business called Telegram. Telegram is a non-profit organization that provides a better way to message people. Pavel Durov said he started Telegram to provide people with a service that he felt they wanted and didn’t do it for the money. He backed that statement up by putting 1M dollars every month into the business in the beginning just to keep it from shutting down. Overall, Durov is an excellent businessman and seems to care more about other people than himself.
Wow! It’s amazing to know the backstory of an application that I use constantly every day. Also, I never realized Telegram is a nonprofit business. It astounds me how it works flawlessly and is expertly designed despite being nonprofit. Now that I know that though, I have more confidence in the application and business as a whole, and am glad I’ve put my trust and loyalty in Telegram. If Russia doesn’t want their entrepreneurial geniuses, I’m glad that America is happy to take them!
It is amazing to see how entrepreneurs like Pavel Durov keep innovating and creating businesses even when they get knocked down or have their first opportunity taken from them. Many great entrepreneurs – such as Steve Jobs – have been forced out of their company only to start another one. Innovators cannot be stopped from constant innovation!
This is so cool! What he has been able to do is awesome! Communicating with people in different ways is awesome. Our hall uses this program.
Wow this is so awesome! I love how innovative this is and how he is able to communicate in different ways and share that with others