Some of the best entrepreneurs are simply good at addition. Robert Luo was passionate about fashion and he was passionate about reducing food waste – so what did he do? He added. By combining the two passions he formed his business, Mi Terro. Mi Terro is a company that turns waste, particularly food waste, into fashion items. His first fashion-from-waste product was a duffle bag; the company utilized natural cork and plastic garbage from the ocean to make them. People have made bags using unique materials before, but this was the first of its kind. After this endeavor Luo began to think of other ways to help further reduce waste. An idea came to him while at his uncle’s dairy farm in China. His uncle’s dairy buyer had switched to another supplier, leaving his uncle with endless buckets of spoiled milk. Where most would see a problem, Robert Luo saw an opportunity. Using biogenetics, this milk could be processed into fiber which could then be made into T-shirts. Luo could turn spoiled milk into consumable apparel, and if there were any doubts in his mind about general interest in this product, they were soon quenched when his Kickstarter fundraiser collected all the needed money in just 2 hours! People like the idea of turning waste into something usable – and not just buyers, investors are interested as well. He’s been working with many different companies that are fascinated by the product and that realize its potential. Despite his present success, Luo’s business had not begun well. He says he cold-emailed 1000 journalists and of the mere six that replied, all of them said no. It was Luo’s admirable perseverance that got his company off the ground, he suffered so many sleepless and stressful times to get where he is now.