What distracts us in this day and age? Videos, articles, comment wars, etc. on our Facebook feeds are big attention grabbers. I think we can all agree Facebook’s path has turned from an opportunity to keep up with people into the latest news/drama/debates source. Media companies are consistently promoting these eye-catching topics and finding success in them. Quinn Hu, a 23 year old entrepreneur, has jumped on this opportunity. He is the co-founder and CEO of the company Distractify. There’s not much to say about this company, their title says it all. They aim to enhance your waiting experience, study struggles or any other seemingly boring task by providing interesting videos, articles, and topics for your choosing. According to their website, they are fulfilling that need by drawing 30 million people away from their boring tasks each month.
Quinn Hu has fulfilled a growing need, he’s seen an opportunity and created a solution. He exemplifies the thought-process, attitude, and go-get-it qualities found in successful entrepreneurs.
Love this! I think his embrace of the direction of modern culture is embracing a very neat and unique innovation and great perspective!
Nice post! This is such a cool idea and its extremely relevant in society today.
This is such a cool idea, I’m checking it out right now. This is something that everyone experiences, and with the increased popularity of smart phones its right at your fingertips at anytime.