The story of a young entrepreneur, Robert Nay, is one to look back on in awe. At the age of 14 he released an app called bubble ball. The app is a logic based game that requires ingenuity and creative thinking to get a ball from one end of the level to a goal on the other end. He developed it himself and it has been download over 16 million times. When I hear stories such as this I am very impressed by the motivation and talent that this child must have. I have personally looked into coding and programming and it not something that is easily mastered, especially for your average 14 year old. Bubble ball isn’t the only game this kid has developed, he has created numerous apps that can be found on his website. I took a look at the game and it seemed to be very entertaining. This whole of idea of youngsters programming at such a young age is inspiring to me. I have looked into learning several different computer languages and it takes a large amount of motivation and hard work. The idea that this kid had to innovate and create an app is also surprising because most kids at his age are playing in the woods or playing xbox. Overall I am very surprised to see such success at such a young age, it is inspiring.