Scott’s Cheap Flights is exactly what it sounds like: a company run by a guy named Scott who wants to find people the cheapest flights possible. At a young age, Scott Keyes discovered that he had a love for travelling the world, however he could never see himself being wealthy. His business idea was sparked after a trip he took to Milan, a round-trip flight ticket he got for only $130. He told all of his friends and they all became interested in how he got a flight so cheap. Scott saw their interest in finding cheap flights, and made a business out of it. It started as a hobby that he did just for his friends, but then expanded beyond that. Now, Scott has over 1,000,000 subscribers, and continually brings cheap flights to people who are interested in travelling for low cost.
This post is great! it is such an encouraging post about a young man committed to finding cheap flights as a result of his love of traveling.He exemplifies a devoted young individual who was inspired to supply the public with affordable transportation. Very few people his age have this drive and I find it highly encouraging that there are still young people like this in our country.
I really like this post. I do some traveling myself, and am always trying to find the cheapest way to get there. It’s amazing how much flight prices can fluctuate and if he can simplify the pain of finding the best price, there will always be a need for his business.
You didn’t lie about the name! Great to see good ideas… take flight. Nice post Austin
wow, that is so cool. I would love to be able to take advantage of this. if only I had the ability to travel. being able to turn your passion into a business is a wonderful thing. really well done.
I like how he took something that he already did and enjoyed doing for himself and turned it into a business. But he didn’t even try to make it a business at first, it just grow into that because of so much interest.
Who knew that a company named Scott’s Cheap Flights could offer something so specific! I love companies that offer their customers what they want. I am inspired by his hobby to business mentality.
I love when people take a passion such as Scott did, and utilize it to help other people. I would be very interested in using Scott’s Cheap Flights, because I also aspire to travel the world. However, on a college budget it is not very do able.
Whoa, I would have loved this for my upcoming trips! I love that he saw a problem with the expensive flights, and look for a way to help ease the customers pain. Although it does sound a bit shady for a company name, the idea is incredible creative and innovative!