Sergey Brin and Larry Page are famous for founding Google, the worldwide search engine that has become a multi billion-dollar corporation. Google began as Larry Page’s idea for a dissertation theme that explored the mathematical algorithms that led links to lead to certain web pages. Overtime the project slowly progressed and began to become really efficient and take hold. Sergey Brin had joined Page on the project, and slowly the two of them realized that they would be able to create a search engine of sorts, something that existed only in crude forms in the 90s. Suddenly the two took this beyond the dissertation and realized there was potential to monetize their idea. Soon Google began to allow adds and sell keywords at cheap prices, but as much traffic as the website got they were bringing in solid revenue. Google began to sell shares and had their IPO in 2004.
Google has gotten to the top of the search engine world for a number of reasons. Firstly, Google’s algorithm allows it to operate much faster than most other search engines. This efficiency has helped draw a large crowd looking to find information quickly. Furthermore, Google has a larger index of sites than most other search engines, giving users much more information readily available at their fingertips. Lastly, Google’s algorithm is able to detect much more relevant information, giving users more recent and up to date links than other search engines. All these and other reasons have given Google a solid base of users that has left other search engines in the dust and not able to keep up.
I found the development of Google to be really interesting. It’s crazy what these two accomplished based off of a dissertation.