You own your own business, but you do not yet have enough funds to buy a large cash register to store your profits. Its easy just use stripe. You might not know what stripe is, but I guarantee that you have used it once if not hundreds of times. John Collison the founder of stripe is now said to be the second most profitable millennial entrepreneur only behind Mark Zuckerburg. Stripe is the software that is used by both small family business and titans such as Amazon and Google to complete online transactions. Their company was founded on the idea that since so much commerce now happens online they wanted to make a safe and easy environment to make transactions on line. Towards the beginning of their infancy they partnered with Visa to help bolster them ahead with a powerful business partner who knows their way around the industry.
On of the most insightful things to me about their company is their ability to for see the coming future to predict the next big thing. This is something that can not be done by everyone and those who often only look for this fail because they are looking for something that isn’t there. However, there are those instances where they succeed and become billionaires with their insight. I like how they were able to do this also as brothers showing that multiple minds can work together to influence the future.
This is very thought provoking. As mentioned, Stripe is something that many of us use on a daily basis but don’t even know it exists in this way. While we mainly see the entrepreneurial efforts from the front end like websites and stores, the back end hides entrepreneurs that created things that will never be fully recognized because of their hidden nature.