George Matus was only 12 years old when he created his own flying quadcopter. As he got older he became frustrated with the drone options that were on the market. They were restrictive for they were either only racing or only for taking pictures and video. So, he created his own “wish list” of things that he wanted in a drone and went to work making prototypes. After dozens of versions of drones and hours of test flying and crashing he was able to create his dream drone at the age of 16. The drone is capable of flying faster than 70 mph and can withstand wind of up to 40 mph. The product is yet to be released but Matus has plans to release the drone next year with a starting price of $1,300. To date, Teal Drones has raised over $3 million in fundraising and has an extremely bright future ahead.
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Matus truly embraced the entrepreneurial mind when working on this business. Seeing that in his own experiences with certain technologies there were flaws he decided to make a product that solved those certain issues. Entrepreneurs can learn from Matus by not necessarily creating a brand new product no one has ever seen before, but rather improving and innovating in a market/product that already exists. Great post!
This shows entrepreneurs ability to find a problem and come up with a solution. Matus found that there were no drones like this on the market and decided to take it into his own hands to create one. This is a perfect example of an innovation that will do great. I’m excited to see how this product will do on the market and see what else this young man will do in the future.
I am inspired by how skilled Matus is at such a young age. He saw that their were gaps in the drone market and created his own product that fits a new mold of drones. I have a friend with a drone and his does not go nearly as fast as a Teal drone. These adaptations to the mold of the drone will differentiate Teal Drones from competition leading them to a successful business venture.