Turner Tenney, or more widely known as “Tfue” is a professional streamer and fortnite player. Turner really interests me because of the way he handled his time of fame. For a few months, Turner was widely considered as the greatest Fortnite player in the world, and at this team Fortnite was the most popular game by a mile and a half. Most streamers would have just enjoyed their moment in fame, learned from it, and continued. These players would be in the spotlight for a few months and for the most part, never to be heard of again. Not Turner. Turner made it intentional for people to enjoy him for his “brand.” He created a brand in himself in which every time anyone who has seen his videos would be reminded of, “Use code Tfue in the item shop.” He’s created a brand where jumping off bridges is the Tfue normal. He has let so many people into his life by allowing people to see what it’s like to be in the spotlight, and what it’s like to be a professional Fortnite player/streamer. By vlogging, Tfue has caused so many people to want to be in his stream, enjoy his culture despite the fact he is no longer considered the best. He’s motivated by success. He thrives off the challenges of everyday competitive playing all while allowing people to understand his social life as well. This is something that is unusual and for that I applaud Turner. He has been so innovative by showing both sides of the story rather than just one. He has allowed people to enjoy him for who he is, not for the game he’s so good at. Seeing this business model is rare, and if new and up coming players realize anything, they should understand it’s important to create a brand instead of just a product. Turner has inspired me to focus on my brand. Focus on the way i treat my customers and the way I present myself. He has made me realize that even if you have the best idea/ product in the world, that alone can’t last you forever. Products come and go, but brands stay forever (kind of).