As a young teen Adam Horwitz created a website that identified where parties were in the area and a place to post new music. His website took off and he made money by selling add space on his website. After his immediate success, was an immediate shut down. The site guided over 800 people to a party and the website then had to be shut down. However, young Adam took what he learned and taught classes about how to make money online. One of his classes made 2.8 million in just three months. Adam new he wanted to create something and make money by doing it. I bet that he never thought that he would be able to make so much while being so young. He also took a failure and didn’t let it stop him. He persevered through his struggle of having to shut down his website, and made it into another opportunity to teach people how to become entrepreneurs.
His success started of very fast and slowly trickled down. He now is a YouTube creator and makes travel vlogs. His entrepreneurial mind shifted through out his life but he will always have that spirit. Adam’s story is a great way to see how you need to think before just starting your idea. As a young entrepreneur he started something that in his mind thought was a great idea, and in some ways it was, but as entrepreneurs we must think of our ideas, and see what problem we are solving, or ones that could potentially happen. Adam is know trying to help young YouTubers be able to become successful and does online workshops in order to help them start making money.
Do you know the name of the original website that Adam created and why was it shut down if it was so successful? I’m glad to hear that although his website got shut down he is still active online and is able to share his experiences on YouTube.