Josyah Lavina-Maldonado is the co-founder of TRNDSTTRS. Josyah is a High School student who is a part of a music group that creates rap music and videos. The group is composed of Josyah and his brothers. This group of boys have always shared an interest in music, this accompanied with their interest in having fun and spreading positivity has created something wonderful. These productions give a positive message by talking about the value of friendship and more. To me it is so interesting and fascinating that this group of boys have turned their talents into spreading a positive message for their audience. I think that this innovative way of creating music and spreading a positive message about certain values, is a fantastic way to reach and inspire younger audiences to do something similar. I think that this group of boys have received appropriate attention from companies. I think that they should continue to grow and engaged with a larger audience, especially the youth. By spreading these positive messages and reinforcing certain values, I think it will help the culture for the generations to come. I have also found myself to enjoy their songs and performances. The group is incredibly talented and very entertaining. I am very curious to see what happens with the group as they become adults and are offered even more opportunities. I wonder if they will continue with the trend of positivity or if they will change their material to something else? Regardless, I am sure that this group will continue to thrive and have a positive impact on their audience.