Victoria Alonsoperez is a 28-year-old from Uruguay, achieving success through her innovative company IEETech she developed and deployed Chipsafer, a system that tracks vitals and health anomalies in the health of cattle. This device has become an invaluable tool for ranchers as they seek new methods for ensuring the health and general well-being of their herds. The beauty of the system that she created is that it allows ranchers and farmers to monitor in real time, the overall health of their herd, even going so far as to provide individualized results for each animal. These results are invaluable in helping to ensure the overall health of each animal, reporting anomalies that may exist and equipping ranchers with an efficient way to prevent further issues with their herds. Alonsoperez’s inspirational story for having developed her innovative technology provides support to idea that anyone can create a valuable product and enact meaningful change in the world. The key that Alonsperez discovered is that one must only identify a problem and then apply their existing knowledge and passion for that issue and turn that into a product or service that satisfies or surpasses the needs of consumers. This should serve as a reminder to all that you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to.
This is such a cool example of utilizing technology in a field that is traditionally “old-fashioned” and usually does not require any technology. Alonsoperez’s idea will save countless amounts of dollars and cattle. One question I have is how did she get involved in the cattle industry? Is it something she grew up with or just an idea that she had one day?