At 10 years old, Vinusha MK of Chennai, India, started her own bakery business. She first fell in love with baking when she tried to make a cake for her mother’s birthday with the help of a friend and online videos. She began baking, creating Four Seasons Pastry, making cupcakes of seasonal colors and flavors. This pastry business is all online and in her free time. Now, she sells cupcake-making kits that she launched at a Young Entrepreneurs Academy exhibition in Miami so that kids with no instructions or no internet can make cupcakes too. The kits even include notes about the science behind the baking. In addition to cupcakes, she started selling cakes, blondies, chicken/vegetarian sandwiches, and homemade chocolates too. She even had an internship stint at a five-star hotel and cafĂ©. Her goal is for Four Seasons Pastry to be the number 1 dessert company as well as set up a baking institute for those who cannot afford to study abroad.
I am glad that this young girl found her love for baking and made it easy and accessible for all ages but mainly focused on children. I like how she added scientific facts to her products, very engaging. I am glad that she further expanded her products to more than just cupcakes. Is she only selling online or is this in stores? If in stores I think it would help a lot with sales. I like her ideas, but I believe the designs on her products could use more work.