Heroes Jobs was created by three young adults, Cyriac Lefort, Tristan Petit, and Adrien Dewulf. The trio set out to create a platform for social networking built for those seeking employment. The tech platform allows job seekers to enhance what an employer sees on a resume, providing much needed clarity to companies looking for the right fit.. They recognized a major gap in employment apps and websites, as sites like LinkedIn don’t cater to millennial and Gen Z needs. By initially targeting younger generations Heroes Jobs recognized early in their development the need for a more niche job platform, thus they developed their platform with a modern aesthetic appealing to younger generations. These young generations are visual oriented. With job seekers having the ability to create video applications that are sent directly to employers, it removes the hassle of setting up interviews. The new company is wise because they will capture a viable audience, especially in Generation Z, which is the largest generation ever, making up 30% of the world’s population (“Generation Z and Alpha Update,” n.d.).
I love this idea for a product. I am currently applying for jobs and the job websites are very frustrating. They are not targeted at people who are just entering the market with limited experience. I might use this product myself.
This is a great article about a new tech platform for job seekers. It’s interesting that the founders of Heroes Jobs recognized a gap in employment apps and websites for younger generations and developed a platform that caters to their needs. I love the idea of video applications as it makes the job search process more efficient and personal. I think Heroes Jobs will be successful in capturing a large audience, especially among Gen Z. It’s smart that they targeted this generation, which is the largest in the world.