Zandra Cunningham founded her own line of luxurious skin care products that are natural and organic. Her company is named after herself Zandra. She is sixteen and from buffalo New York. She started getting interested in entrepreneurship at the age of 9. In 2009 she began selling her first products at the local farmers markets around her. She has expanded her company is so many ways since she sold her first product. She is now 21 years old and extremely successful in many ways. She has over 40 products in her line including hand, body, lotion, and lip scrubs which are all ecofriendly and plant based. Because of her success in entrepreneurship, she has had to opportunity to become and advocate for many young girls. Her goals for her products are to help people especially young ladies learn to be confident in their own skin. She not only finds it important to keep your skin looking clean and pretty, but also to know what beauty is starting from the inside. She has taken this idea to branch out into motivational speaking and philanthropy. Through her skin care products, she has found her own niche to help inspire youth in their communities. Some of her favorite quotes include, “create your own normal”, Build a foundation, a community. Networking is key.”, and “why not weird.” These quotes really embody what her message is all about. Her courageous nature is something everyone should look at and be inspired by.
It’s always refreshing to see beauty and cosmetic companies that focus on self confidence rather than the age old “cover your flaws” type rhetoric. Companies like this truly give me hope for how younger people are growing up, I know that media wasn’t particularly encouraging when I was in grade school so it nice to see how messaging is changing for the better.